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Buy Exeter Corned Beef Product of Brazil 340 g on Looking to make a sandwich, have a light snack or actually cook a full meal? This corned beef is a good accompaniment for a variety of meals. You can use the corned beef right out of the tin; it doesn’t require cooking. Exeter is one of the most well known brand of corned beef in Nigeria, just hop into any local market and ask for corned beef without mentioning a specific brand and see what would be given to you. Exeter corned beef has been in the market for many years and is one of the top selling brands of corned beef. Corned beef is salt-cured brisket of beef. The term comes from the treatment of the meat with large-grained rock salt, also called “corns” of salt. Sometimes, sugar and spices are also added to corned beef recipes. Corned beef is featured as an ingredient in many cuisines. It is not only tasty and makes your food delicious, it is also jam packed with nutritional values and health benefits like protein, iron, B vitamins, zinc and it gives plenty of healthy fats. Buy Exeter Corned Beef at the best and lowest price online in unit and carton on If you want to find the best price of corned beef in Nigeria, then this is the right place. At, you can order online and get same-day delivery in Lagos.
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₦69.00 ₦42.00
48 in stock